A great success
for UNITIS who together with NATRUE defended Genistein and Daidzein, two
natural molecules included in the high priority list of potential endocrine
disruptors, and obtained their validation for a safe use in cosmetics.
The SCCS has concluded in its Final Opinion that these phytoestrogens are not
endocrine disruptors and stated a safe level of use in cosmetics.
The NCSTOX database is a predictive tool
containing a mass of information aiming to determine the toxicological profile
of Natural Complex Substances (NCSs) – Plants extracts used in cosmetics. It provides data about the potential risks of 25 000 molecules
contained in plants for toxicological endpoints.
More information about the NCSTOX Project.
having been actively involved in the development of the ISO 16128 standard,
UNITIS is currently preparing a COFRAC accredited certification with FEBEA and
A Methodology for Sustainable Development conceived by UNITIS... Read
The answer can be done through a few words explaining what UNITIS brings to its members...
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