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Seeds: Self evaluation for eco-development solutions

A Methodology for Sustainable Development
conceived by UNITIS..

A level of performance for your company !

Faced with specificities such as Natural Resources, Business with developing countries, Cosmetics regulation, the Convention on the Biological Diversity...
SMEs have not always time and money to implement a green strategy.

From now, they have the possibility to commit themselves thanks to a tailor-made auto-diagnostic kit put at their disposal :

    to evaluate their level of involvement in the sustainable development,
    to measure their progress margin,
    to identify their weaknesses,
    to undertake corrective actions.

IN-COSMETICS 2010 - UNITIS presents SeedsTM...
In-cosmetics 2010 was an opportunity to seize in order to launch SeedsTM - Self evaluation for eco-development solutions - a new self-assessment toolkit, dedicated to Natural Cosmetic Ingredients Suppliers, to evaluate their performance in terms of Environment, Social, and Economic concerns.


Fruit of a collective work realized by the Sustainable Development Task Force, some of its members - Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, Provital, Solabia and Soliance - accepted to present this toolkit on their booth.

Last update : 10/03/25

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