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Unitis Clippings

UNITIS supports naturalness
Expression cosmétique n°79 - January/February 2023

Changes at the head of UNITIS
Expression cosmétique n°68 - March/April 2021

UNITIS changes from 2021

Les cosmétiques en quête de naturel
L'Usine Nouvelle - 25 December 2019

UNITIS completes the first stage of the NCS TOX Project
Expression cosmétique n°53 - September/October 2018

ISO 16128 part 2: The "first harmonisation text" provides clarity on finished cosmetics content
Cosmetics design-europe - 4 October 2017

ISO 16128 part 1: International standard creates "less greenwashing and more transparency" Cosmetics design-europe - 3 October 2017

European project to boost knowledge of natural substances releases first results
Cosmetics design-europe - September 2017

New European project aims to boost toxicological knowledge of natural substances Cosmetics design-europe - October 2016

The brainteaser of "natural" claims  Expression Cosmétique - November / December 2015 - n°36

UNITIS, also concerned by the Nagoya Protocol  Expression Cosmétique - September / October 2015 - n°35

Cosmetics regulations worldwide  SPC - June 2015

New Board of Directors for UNITIS Expression Cosmétique - November / December 2014 - n°30

UNITIS at the 20th anniversary of Cosmetic Valley Expression Cosmétique - September / October 2014 - n°29

Raw materials - the FEBEA democratizes audits Expression Cosmétique - January / February 2014 - n°25

The NCS TOX database from UNITIS
Expression Cosmétique - September / October 2013 - n°23  

Cosmetic ingredients: Safety first and foremost
Expression Cosmétique - September / October 2013 - n°23  

The Congress in Chartres: a call for cooperation
Expression Cosmétique - January / February 2013 - n°19
A new hope for plant extracts Expression Cosmétique - January / February 2013 - n°19
Tribute to the President and founder of UNITIS Expression Cosmétique - January / February 2013 - n°19    

UNITIS Press Book selection

Last update : 28/03/25

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Biodiversity and Natural Substances

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Unitis Working Groups & Task Forces

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F - 75008 PARIS
Tel. : +33 (0)1 47 23 64 77